Wellness Workshop

 Her inner  world

Sunday June 30th 

11:00am to 2:30pm

Welcome to our June wellness workshop that is all about YOU.

Our hearts behind this workshop is allowing women a space to learn more about themselves without the company of judgment or shame. We want to hold space for you to learn about what you want, what you need, and letting go of the idea that it is shameful to prioritize yourself.

four hour workshop with other likeminded women who are ready to put themselves first.

Together, we will reconnect with our bodies by deeply attuning to the subtle inner cues that reveal our internal state. Through mindfulness, we will heighten our awareness of physical sensations and emotions, fostering a profound understanding of our body's messages. This  will help us nurture a harmonious mind-body relationship. As we deepen this connection, we will uncover insights that promote holistic health and emotional balance.

reconnecting with you

As you embrace your true self, you cultivate a sense of compassion and acceptance, empowering you to prioritize your health and happiness with confidence and without apology. Together we will let go of the shame and guilt that often accompanies self-care, as you realize that tending to your well-being is not a selfish act but a necessary one. This journey of self-discovery and self-care ultimately leads to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Embracing you

Engaging in this inner work within a community of women creates a nurturing and supportive environment. Together, we will share experiences and encouragement, making this discovery of our inner world and self-care more enriching. In this caring space, we as women can let go of shame and guilt, allowing ourselves to know that YOU | WE are truly deserving of compassion and care. 


becoming you

our focus

our heart

our passion

When was the last time you did something for you that was unconditional? Meaning you didn't have to earn it… You did it because it makes you happy?

What brings joy into your life?

Do you feel guilty or shame when you think about your wants or needs?

How does your inner voice speak to you? Would you speak to a friend that way?

These are tough questions, especially for women. If one of these questions struck something up inside you… it is time to listen to your body, your deep inner voice, you deserve a moment for you.

releasing guilt &

Embrace your inner world

one time payment of $200


Pay in full using the button above

What can you expect?


Check in: We will have light snacks and refreshments. Mingle, get settled in, & connect

11:30 am

Han will be guiding us through an hour of somatic movement and guided meditation. 


Reflection: A powerful tool when it comes to mindfulness. We will journal about our experience.


Take a little break… mingle, grab some food,


Breakout groups: Alex will facilitate breakout groups. We will learn more about ourselves, find clarity in what we want, break away from shame that often accompanies self-care.



As a mom to three fur babies, I have learned what unconditional love really means in terms of friendships and in relationships. In this ever-changing world, sometimes it’s hard to find our place, a place where we belong. Through energy healing, float therapy, one-on-one therapy and overall health and fitness goals, I have learned that it takes a village. It takes a village of other like-minded individuals, with similar goals, being surrounded by others who can cheer you on, with the same drive and dedication to be a better version of ourselves. I have endured dark times, I have overcome obstacles, I have learned more about myself, and boy, do I have more to learn. I am excited to be surrounded by other women so I can give back what has been given to me, the permission to believe in and be myself AUTHENTICALLY!

got some questions?

What would I need to bring to the workshop?

Bring cozy clothes that you are able to move around in. Bring a light sweater if you get cold easily. If you are a yogi and want to bring your own yoga mat and blocks please do!

Open heart Open mind

Where is the workshop?

The workshop will be hosted in Reno at Studio IVY. This is another locally woman owned business. Check in will be at 11:00am.

Should I eat before?

We invite you to eat a healthy delicious meal before you come, but we will have light snacks & refreshments for you to snack on as well.

What am I going to learn?

We are going to be covering a lot of things, but the main one is learning more about yourself and how you can incorporate prioritizing your health (YOU) first. Mindfulness, self-care, self-love, boundaries, releasing guilt & shame. 

How many members are in the group?

We are allowing a max of 15 people in group for a more intimate and connective setting.


Certified in Yoga,  Meditation & Mindfulness

B.S. Public Health , Kinesiology

As a wife of a physician I watched as my husband put himself through a difficult journey aka medical school. The lack of sleep, constant stress, coupled with the abundance of sacrifice; I knew we were inching towards a path of fatigue. Paired with my own personal journey of depression & burnout I devoted my time to research possible ways of coping with stress when I found mindfulness

The robust research behind the science in how the brain works, the positive outcomes from those who practiced only sparked my curiosity more. As I learned, practiced, and paused I found my own life had shifted. I have dedicated my life to helping those that are always helping other's. 


Reclaiming joy through meditation, yoga, & mindfulness.

Did we mention the icing on the cake?

you are enough as you are

Give yourself the time, space, and love to remember who you are and what you want. 

Being fully you is understanding and embracing who you are at your core, which can be challenging at times, but together we will step into courage, open ourselves up to vulnerability, and let go of old beliefs.